(British glass artist)
I have been considering using light and projection with some of my work to explore colour, layers and composition. A friend recommended me Helen Maurer who I had not heard much about before. I really love the simplicity of it and atmosphere. The textures from the overhead projector really add something more nostalgic and worn to the work which is something i'd like to explore.

High Tide, 2006
Overhead projector, glass, mirror, painted wood

'Under Wood, Over Head'
Overhead projector, painted wood, perspex and glass.
William Eggleston
Recently introduced to the beautiful photography of William Eggleston. The use of colour and composition is stunning and rung bells with the types of found images i like to use as source material in my own work. They ooze nostalgia and are particularly stylised, but not enough to be tacky. This subltle vibrancy is something I am really keen to bring back into my work.

From Cadillac Series

From Los Alamos series
I find it interesting my attention seems to be mostly on photographs of foregin, particularly American environments and landscapes recently, if not at least foreign. There is something in the dreamy state of a postcard and holiday photos, so idealised and reminsicent of that time or decade.